Monday, August 20, 2012

Benefits of Cancer

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog, and many people have requested an update informing them of my current health situation. I know my blog is mostly about the various mission trips I take part in, but I think its appropriate for me to add this post since I last said my Honduras mission was still a go.
        In December before leaving for South Africa, I went to the doctor under the orders of my mother to be seen for itching she felt was severe. At the office, the doctor found nothing out of the ordinary and proceeded to ask me numerous questions which my mother took the liberty of answering, adding that I was a dirty college student who only did laundry every three weeks (thanks mommy). The doctor suggested that I wash more often and use sensitive detergent. As I geared up to go, she looked at my feet and stated "you have long fingers and long toes. Do they get cold?" I found this question was quite comical, as it was winter and yes, my fingers and toes did get cold. Long story short, the doctor sent me to get a chest x-ray, due to my long appendages, looking for some heart condition athletes get that was not really at all related to the itching issue I had come in about. I had the x-ray then went on my merry way to Cape Town, South Africa where I spent two amazing weeks.
           When I returned home my mother was adamant that I go to the doctor before returning to school as they had been calling saying they needed me to come in for further testing as my x-ray had been abnormal. I of course thought nothing of it and had no desire to return to the doctor, my mother had other plans. I went in for a CT scan which confirmed the abnormalities found in the x-ray. About four days after the scan I received a call from a slightly frantic nurse telling me the doctor had found a mass in my chest and that I needed to come in for more testing. She also reassured me that everything would be ok and asked if I needed her to call my mom because it was a lot to handle and I was at school without my parents and she didn't think I should deal with the news all on my own. So to give her peace of mind, I consented to the phone call to my mom. My mom called me a few mins later saying she had talked to the doctor and I needed to make an appointment with them to see a heart specialist. I told her I would do it later as I was busy packing for my campus church's fall retreat. Once in the car, I received another call from the doctor to schedule the appointment with the specialist. WOW was that an ordeal. Being the type A personality that I am, I did not want to miss class to go to the doctor. I wanted to put the appointment off for about three weeks until I could travel to Springfield and back in a few hours and not miss class. The doctor as well as my mom was not having that. I was concerned about missing classes as I had one of the hardest econ classes on the campus in my schedule and did not feel I could afford to miss a class if I wanted to pass it with an A.The appointment was eventually made after alot of frustration on my end.
              This is the first part of this amazing work God is doing in my life. There is alot more to it and its not over yet. God has taught me so much and I'm sure He is not done using this situation to mold me and prepare me for the things He has planned for me in the future. Its beautiful how God always has a plan and its always in motion even when we can't see it. Before I started all of this medical stuff, I read a book on the life of Joseph by Charles Swindoll. In the book the author focused alot on how the seemimgly bad things in Joseph's life (and there were A LOT), were all used by God as preparation for the high place God wanted to place Joseph in later in his life. God wanted to teach Joseph to trust him in the deepest and blackest pits of life, and although Joseph most likely wasn't the happiest camper when his brothers sold him into slavery, or when his boss' wife lied and cried rape, or when he was forgotten in prison for years, those things strengthened his faith in God such that the "good" things in life could not strip him of his need for his God.
                   I want a relationship with my Lord and Savior like that. One where no matter what, I cling to Him and find my joy and strength in the finished work of the cross and his return rather than in my circumstances. The best part of this story is that about two weeks before finding out that there was a mass in my chest, I had asked my small group at school to pray that I would be uncomfortable. Most of them didn't understand my request. I explained that I was finding myself becoming apathetic toward God and in my relationship with Him and I hated it (hate is a strong word and I don't use it often, but I think it is the only appropriate word choice here). What I saw when I looked at the bible was people growing in their relationships with God when they were uncomfortable and desperately needed him. I wanted to desperately need him again, to be reminded of my depravity without him. And boy have I been. Its funny how God works and how he responds to us when we call out to him. I'll finish this story in my next post. Thank you to everyone who is praying for me. I know I'm already healed, I'm just waiting for science to catch up and show what I already know my God has done.
Revelation 21:6  He said to me: "It is done."

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